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It’s too Squishy!

When setting the table for lunch often children position plates touching each other all around the table. As educators we normally fix this problem by moving the plates or telling children the solution. This day we left the plates all around the table and during group time children discussed the “problem”.

Sloane, Mila and Kaashni wanted to set the table for our lunch time. I told the children we had 15 children in group 3 for lunch so we needed 15 settings.

“15 people, 15 is nearly 100” Sloane

“I can’t do it, Kaashni can you pull it with me” Sloane asks for Kaashni’s help to open the cupboard

“1, 2, 3, 4, ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” Sloane starts counting the bowls

Mila lifts the bowls to the table

“This is enough, it is too heavy” Sloane counts the bowls again “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15. We have 15 that’s enough” Sloane tells Kaashni.

“We need cups. I do the plates and you do the cups” – Sloane asks Kaashni, Kaashni nods.

Kaashni, Sloane and Mila worked together to set the tables for our lunch time. They had positioned the plates around the table. I left the table as it was to discuss in our group time.

During our group time children sat at the table behind each bowl.

“Will move over more” Thomas

“I’m sitting here, I can’t move, my plates there” Zach

“It’s too squishy” Ayaan

“It’s squishy” Marley

“Put some people there, go on the other table, some go to the other table” Will points to another empty table.

“Five people are too squishy” Sloane

“Three people are better” Marley

Marley counts the plates down the side of the table.

“We have six, we need to take three away” Marley

The children decided that having five people on one bench was “too squishy” they needed more room to eat their food.

Children were demonstrating they are confident and involved learners using problem solving skills as well as mathematical concepts and developing their spatial awareness.