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Our blog is your resource for the latest news, tips, and insights into early childhood education, parenting, and the Halifax Street community. Whether you’re seeking advice, fun activities to try at home, or updates about our centre, you’ll find it all here.

Kids are like Seashells

As the summer draws to end, I reflect on precious times of sun, sand, and water. Whenever I go to the beach, I collect little shells and aqua sea glass. If I’m fortunate, I’ll find a sea urchin shell. Shells have a way of reminding me of the children we teach and care for, no […]

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The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Learning

Play is more than we think or know. There are so many uses of the word, play. This is unfortunate as we each bring such different knowledge, thinking, and beliefs about the word play, that too much is lost in translation. For many adults, play for children is seen as nothing more than mucking around […]

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Halifax | Where Children Grow, Learn, and Thrive

Halifax St Children's Centre and Preschool


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As a child care service which receives CCS payments from the Commonwealth Government, we abide by the priority of access guidelines set by the Department of Family and Community Services. To help us equitably fill vacant places, please tick the appropriate priority boxes below:
guidelines 1
Within the main categories above, priority should also be given to the following:
A child care service may require a Priority 3 child to vacate a place to make room for a child with a higher priority. They can only do so if you:
  • are notified when your child first entered care that your service follows this policy.
  • are given at least 14 days notice of the need for your child to vacate.


Contact Priority